Posted in Blog, Reviews

Review: Preternatural Evolution by Peter Topside

This is the second installment of Preternatural, and I enjoyed being back in Meadowsville. There was not as much action throughout this book as the first one, but it had more character growth. The vibe of ‘evil never dies’ rings true throughout the entire novel, and yet I was rooting for it to die and let the people of Meadowsville finally have some peace.

An excellent addition to this book that many sequels don’t show was the characters’ trauma from the first book. The story takes place 15 years after the first novel, which sounds like a long time. However, when dealing with mental health (PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc.), 15 years is a blip. It was refreshing that the author kept true to life in the respect that the characters would have lingering effects from the first book’s events.

This installment is setting up for something big in the final novel. The characters have faced evil more times than any person should, and it isn’t over yet.

Get your copy now!


If you haven’t read the first one, then be sure to get that too!

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