Posted in Blog, On Writing

Review: Inland by Kate Risse

Synopsis (taken from Amazon)

Inland is a harrowing account of separation and resilience as two families struggle to reunite after the Eastern Seaboard succumbs to catastrophic flooding. Trapped in the rapid floodwaters, Juliet and Martin search for a viable way back to Boston while their children face their own challenges for survival in the rising seas. This intense tale of endurance and hope examines the human connection and the unpredictable role of technology in a warming world.


From the beginning, I was drawn into the depths of this story. The concept of total flooding was creative and described perfectly.

The book is written in first person, with each chapter telling you whether we are reading from Juliet’s (mother) or Billy’s (son) perspective. The difference in the thought processes of these two characters was well written and appreciated by the reader. It helped to bring emotion to the story, hearing from both the mother (who has more life experience) and her son (a scared teenager).

Other characters played pivotal roles in helping (or hurting) the main characters to find each other. As a mother, I identified with Juliet and her need to find her kids.

If you enjoy journeys of the heart with difficulties, this book is for you.

Get your copy here (affiliate link – thanks for your support)


Posted in Blog, On Writing

What is a Social Story

This week I don’t have a book review to share (I know it is sad). However, I wanted to share the social stories I have and what they are. If you don’t live or work with neurodiverse children then the term social stories might not be something you have heard before.

A social story is a short story explaining a specific skill to help a child learn. They often have pictures, either illustrations or real-life pictures of the child, showing the steps of the skill.

These stories are used frequently with children with autism to learn skills that the rest of us take for granted. I didn’t know much about these books when my child was younger and we struggled through learning various skills. I wanted to create the stories that I wish we would have had access to when my son was growing up to help him.

Currently, I have three social stories available. I am always looking for more ideas that other parents need.


Get your copies on amazon by clicking on the book above.

Posted in On Writing, Uncategorized

A Little Scare

It’s almost ready! This book deviates from what I have published in the past but horror has always been my favourite genre. I am happy to be publishing my first collection of short horror stories. Each story is unique with its own format and characters.

Peter Topside author of the Preternatural books has this to say:

“I was given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review (Thank you, Randi!)  Now it’s well known that I’m not a fan of short stories.  The only exceptions there are HG Wells’ The Invisible Man and his other well known sci-fi/horror type stories.  However, I read through the Little Scare collection, and really did enjoy these tales of the macabre a great deal.  They were diverse, and didn’t follow any type of generic formula or theme, which was refreshing.  Each tale was also long enough, without overstaying its welcome.  They were a bit gruesome at the right times, but it was more reserved and not overly graphic.  This is where the writing was done well, as it left certain things unwritten and just insinuated, which is much easier than going into excessive details on the terror at hand.  Aside from that, the writing was very easy-to-follow and the book as a whole just had this general creepiness and anxiety-producing uneasiness throughout.  My personal favorite here was A Scorched Letter, with Chookies being a close second.  If you want a quick read that’ll tickle your inner horror fan, give this a look!”

Stay up to date with release information by following RB Writing on facebook.

Posted in Blog, On Writing

Work in Progress

This year is getting exciting; and yes I realize that it is two thirds over. The beginning of this year was a bit of a struggle mentally, but it is turning out to be a great end of the year.

The YouTube channel Write or Die Show is going well and has been getting great feedback. When I first came up with the idea for the channel I didn’t know how I would find guests or if anyone would even be interested in listening to the interviews. However, I have already recorded nearly 80 interviews and have a waitlist of 20 guests for the next set of recordings.

From the interviews that have already been posted people are thanking me for talking about mental health. I am blown away by the encouragement that I have received. Not that anyone needs external validation but when my depression rears (which is was – and telling me this was a horrible idea) having that external validation helps to quiet those negative thoughts.

There will be lots more episodes coming and I hope you will share them!

In March I was able to publish not just one but two books! Diamond the Cat and Embracing Me came out that month. Again, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to everyone who has purchased the books and I am so glad that the messages are impactful.

As you know (if you have been keeping up on the blog) I have been diligently working on the audiobook for Embracing Me, and I am happy to announce that it has been sent into ACX and is now awaiting approval. Fingers crossed there isn’t anymore editing that needs to be done.

A Little Scare is almost finished the editing process as well and should be released by the end of September if all goes well. Just in time to make a great Christmas gift for the teen who loves horror. I am really excited about this book as it is so different from what I have published previously and I hope that everyone will enjoy the collection.

Don’t worry I have some more non-fiction books in the works as well.

The Crime Stoppers of Niagara history book is coming along. It is a slow process but involves much more research than previous projects I have worked on. I have learned so much about Crime Stoppers and it really is an interesting organization.

The newest book that I have started working on is my first collaboration with a another author. This will be his first published book and I am excited about the topic – mental health. Which we all know is a topic I love to talk about. In this book we are examining it in regards to biblical principles (if you didn’t know I am a Christian and this has been a book on my mind for many years). This is just getting started so it will be a few months before it is ready to publish.

And if all of that wasn’t enough I will be releasing a self-care journey journal. More on that as it gets more into production. Plus, a list of ideas to be written – more scary stories and more children’s books.

Wow, I have my work cut out for me. Thank you to everyone who continues to support me.

Posted in Blog, On Writing

Creating my Audiobook

I love listening to audiobooks so I decided that I needed to make an audiobook out of mine. I wanted to start with my newest one Embracing Me and after that I’ll start on A Mother’s Truth. I had no idea how to do it but I figured the first step would have to be recording then editing it

I was pretty excited to do the recording because I thought I could do a really good job. I mean it is my story. Who else would be a better narrator than me to tell my own story? 

I needed to figure out what software to use, luckily I have some great connections in my business group and somebody told me to use Audacity. If you aren’t sure what Audacity is it’s a pretty simplistic audio editing software and I had no problem using it. If I could do it you could do it and it’s free to download!

 I downloaded that and I started recording. I feel like I did a good job. I guess all of you will have to let me know once you hear it. When I was editing I had to learn as I went because I had no idea what I was doing. I suppose I could have found somebody else to do it but I wanted to see if I could do it myself (plus it did save me some money).  I went through it and edited the recordings, mostly just taking out all of the little noises of my water bottle or my weird noises

Overall I think it turned out pretty well. Now all I have to do is figure out how the heck I get it onto an audiobook service. That is my next step. As I figure it out I’ll tell you all how I did it and of course announce to you when it’s done.

If you wanted a sneak peek at the audiobook I have put a little bit on the patreon page for those that are patrons.