Tsaeris is a young boy alone in a vast city. Growing up as an orphan, he had to fend for himself. He finds himself in the city’s market district. Being caught as a thief changes the projectory of his life forever.
This is a fun fantasy book with likeable characters. It spans a few years, and we get to see how Tsaeris grows into a young man. His character arc is my favourite part of the book. I also enjoyed many of the other characters and the vastness of the diversity within this world.
Unfortunately, there are many editing errors. They became distracting throughout the book.
However, I was still captivated by the story. It was interesting to read about a secret society that is keeping the city safe… or not… or is? No spoilers! A few parts had my jaw drop making me need to read on.
Near the end, it gave a great twist that was truly shocking. The final pages left me wanting to know what is next for the third eye.
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