Posted in Blog, Reviews

Review: Boone and Jacque by A.G. Flitcher

Boone and Jacque are ten-year-old boys discovering the dark secrets of the past of their hometown, Saddleton. Adults lust after power while strange things are happening.

AG Flitcher does a great job developing Saddleton and the world beyond Saddleton. The prison was particularly easy to visualize while striking fear into the reader. I hope that is explored in future books.

The friendship between Boone and Jacque is so pure and fitting. Both boys have difficult homelives but manage to find kindness in each other. They each have unique characteristics yet mesh perfectly as two best friends do.

The story had quite a bit going on, which complicated keeping track of the facts in this interesting mystery. At times, I found it challenging to shift from one chapter to another because the scenes and characters were vastly different.

Overall, this is an interesting story that keeps you wondering.

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