Posted in Blog, Reviews

Review: The Epitome of Kimmy by Kimberly Anne Bell

All life is precious, and when a child comes into this world, they should be covered in love and acceptance—Kimberly shares how this was not the case for her in this memoir. Throughout the book, we understand how she came to ‘Accept & Embrace It All.’ A saying that I love!

The Epitome of Kimmy: Accept & Embrace It All by [Kimberly Bell]

Kimberly described many traumas in this book and how she persevered. It chronicles her life from birth into adulthood. The book kept me reading as I wanted to know how she was doing as an adult. I feel like this only skims the surface of the events that happened. I would love to read an extended version in the future that goes more in-depth about the emotions that she felt and the coping strategies that she found along the way.

It is a beautiful way to share with others that you can make it out of the darkness. It is worth the read.

Get your copy here (affiliate link).

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