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Review: Hive by Jeremiah Ukponrefe

Hive takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where an alien force decimated the world. There are now pockets of humans trying to survive and hopefully, end the hive for good. 


There are strong characters throughout the book and you see the relationships change among them. The main character really comes into his own by the end of the book. The writing is effective in transplanting the reader into the hive’s world. 

I enjoyed the story and the twists throughout. No spoilers here but there are exciting twists! 

There was quite a bit of description used, especially in regards to the weapons. The amount of description was tedious to read. The weaponry descriptors were strange and things I wouldn’t have known if not for video games. 

Overall I enjoyed this book and look forward to the rest of the series. 

Get your copy here (affiliate link).





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