This anthology shares the story of various women from all over the world. Each story shows how God’s grace touched their lives.
I loved how each story started with a photo of the woman. It connected the reader with the real-life person who shared their struggles. These aren’t light-hearted, funny adventures but real, human, tragic, heartbreaking stories. They show the various ups and downs that people from across the globe face.
No one story is the same as another. Each person on this Earth has various experiences that can be expressed and handled in a multitude of ways. This book shows a snapshot of the immense possibilities that one might face in their life.
An everyday woman (not an author by trade) writes each story; some are better than others. Some stories left me wanting more. Some pulled at my heartstrings while others did not. But it never took away from the soul behind the message and the book’s purpose.
Overall, this was a fantastic read.
Get your copy here (affiliate link).