Posted in Blog, Reviews

Review: Hysterical Hangouts with the Hindlegs by G.S. Gerry

Hysterical Hangouts with the Hindlegs follows Viktor as he meets his girlfriend’s family, the Hindlegs. Mandi tells Viktor that her family can be a lot to handle, so Viktor plans to turn their meetings into a reality TV show using hidden cameras.

As the title suggests, this book is hilarious and has many interesting hijinks.

Each chapter is a different reality show episode, ending as many shows do (what will happen next? Will they get out of this jam?). The pranks are out there, but the episode endings made the book even more hilarious.

The author’s language style adds to the hilarity, from funny names (Hindlegs, Sniperbone) to silly noises (pfft, bang, boom). I felt as if I really was watching a reality TV show and thinking – oh, this must be staged!

This is the perfect book if you enjoy a good laugh and an easy read.

Preorder your copy now (affiliate link).

Posted in Blog, Reviews

Review: Dozed and Confused: Tales from A Nutty, Narcoleptic Life by Carl Kozlowski

Dozed and  Confused shares the outrageous events in Carl Kozlowski’s life. I had the pleasure of reviewing this book’s audio, which brought out another layer of hilarity as Carl narrated.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I read the description about a narcoleptic comedian/journalist. Carl has fallen asleep in some strange situations, that I’ll admit – glad it was him and not me. He has taken his journalistic intentions undercover and came out with a newfound love of never needing to do those again.

Each chapter shares a story, and each story made me laugh. Even from a young age, Carl Kozlowski had some interesting run-ins (pun intended when you read the book).

Overall, this is an easy, light-hearted read. Take a break from the seriousness of your life and enjoy a few chuckles with Carl.

Get your copy here (affiliate link).