John Bandicut and his crew believe they have stopped an AI from destroying the universe. Little did they realize that a new threat from them would come from the past to haunt their future.
This is the start of the Out of Time story, and you really need to read this one before the other (see my review of the second part here). I read them out of order, and though I enjoyed the second half, having the first half gives a lot more insight into the story.
Jeffrey A Carver is a very descriptive author. He sets up not only one world but a whole universe throughout time. Bringing the future and the past together is not an easy endeavour for an author, but Jeffrey does it well. Finding people who should be dead, based on timelines, is a shocker, and the character reactions are spot on.
The characters are so different, yet they form a strong bond with each other to the point where they are willing to put their lives on the line.
If you enjoy sci-fi, this will be a great read.
Get your copy here (affiliate link – thanks for your support).